June 7th is Vice President Mike Pence’s birthday. His birthday also happens to fall at the beginning of Pride Month.

To ‘celebrate,’ we reinvented that iconic moment from 1962 when America’s sex symbol at the time sang a sexy rendition of, ‘Happy Birthday, Mr. President’ to JFK - with a 2019 twist.

We then partnered with six LGBTQIA+ organizations to encourage people to donate to an organization that supports the community on his birthday.

Our goal? To turn a day reserved for a man who has spread nothing but intolerance and hate towards the community into a day of love in support for it.

This was a personal project created with my partner, Zeynep Orbay, and supported by Wieden+Kennedy.

We then created a website that drove users to a list of organizations where they could donate in his name.


…and it was an absolute dream to make!